Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sick Stories

Not sure about you but the sickness has hit my school. I really thought my class was holding strong....not so much.

Well, with all the coughing, sneezing, and sniffling going on I thought it was the perfect time to hunt through my Pinterest board to follow through on something I pinned months ago. I'm great at pinning but need some encouragement on following through.

I found the idea for 'Sick Stories' on Pinterest and when I followed the pin I landed on the blog "A Teeny Tiny Teacher" (who I was already following but not when this idea was blogged about!) Well, I loved her idea because the kids sure tell me about being sick but I wanted them to put it on paper.

I created a quickie writing template and I sent her a copy just to make sure it was okay to blog about this. (I didn't want to step on any toes and she was super nice about it and had no problems with it.) So, check out her post when you're done here, she has some cute examples.(The link above will take you right there!)

I had the kids freehand their heads and hair and we traced our own hands.

Here are how some of mine turned out...not everyone got to do guessed it....someone was out sick!

I felt like I was going to throw up. I got to watch tv. And I got to sleep on the couch.

I had a really bad cold. I puked a lot. I didn't feel good.

I had strep. I was exhausted and sleepy.

There's a close up of the writing template.

Click this image to go to TpT and snag your freebie!


  1. Turned out so cute! I'm going to keep this idea, but pray I don't need it. Although three of my babies were out sick today.

    Rowdy in First Grade

  2. This is so cute!! We had 22 kids out today at school:( We only have 177 in the whole school!!
    Flu is hitting us big.

    The Busy Busy Hive

  3. The sick stories are so cute. I have had 3 kids out each day, yuck.

    The First Grade Princess

  4. How cute are those!!?!?!? I love the tissues! I am so using this in Writer's Workshop next week.

  5. Love this !! Did you use a read-aloud to go with this ?
